What's the connection with speech and behavior? Behavior is communication. Think about the difference between an eye roll and smile, both have unique messages to communicate. So when individuals have decreased communication skills, behaviors and their intensity often increase. When children are labeled "biters" or "hitters" this can be a death sentence for their preschool careers and they end up getting "kicked out" of preschool which causes disruptions and setbacks in their learning. Oftentimes children who have disruptive behaviors have a lot they want to communicate but just need to be taught a different way to communicate their message. We offer on-site student behavior consulting to help your child have positive interactions with their peers and teachers.
Why partner with Andrea? Andrea has a unique gifting that combines over a decade worth of knowledge regarding how children communicate and what motivates them with her knowledge of speech and language therapy. She has practical and easy to implement strategies that will help your student or classroom.
Is this service the same as ABA Therapy? No, Andrea is a speech-language pathologist and uses social communication interventions and tools to support your child's social interactions with their peers and teachers.
Do you accept insurance? At this time we don't, we've chosen to devote our time and resources to providing high quality individualized therapy. We do accept cash, checks, credit cards, FSA, and HSA cards.
Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions!